Mystery Books Podcast
Mystery Books Podcast
🤡 The Art of the Prank: 1920s Hoaxes and Ch 23 & 24 of Archly Manor
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High Society Hijinks: Discover the elaborate jokes that shocked and amused the London elite!
From fake art exhibits to outrageous social stunts, the Bright Young People of the era knew how to make a statement. 😎
We'll take a closer look at the infamous Bruno Hat hoax, where a group of pranksters fooled the art world with a fictional artist and his bizarre creations.
Book recommendation: Death Comes to Costa Del Sol by M.H. Eccleston - check out first in the series in MBP S4 E4 Death on the Isle by M.H. Eccleston
Next chapters in the next episode!
If you want the rest of the mystery right now, you can get Murder in Archly Manor in ebook, audio, and print at SaraRosettBooks.com.
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